Sell or Donate Books? | Ecorial

Sell or Donate Books?

  • Hey guys, I'm in a bit of a pickle. I'm moving to a much smaller apartment soon, and my massive book collection has to go!  I'm torn between selling my books online or just donating them all.  Some of these are first editions or signed copies, so selling seems tempting, but it also feels like a lot of work.  What do you think?

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  • Hey, I totally understand your dilemma. Given that you have first editions and signed copies, I recommend selling your books. It might take a bit of effort, but you could earn a good amount from rare and valuable items. Plus, you can easily manage the selling process online. Check out BooksRun, where you can sell your books efficiently. It’s a great way to declutter while making some money. Good luck with your move!

  • Hey there! Thanks for the advice! Selling those first editions and signed copies sounds like a great idea – they could definitely fetch a good amount. And you're right, managing the selling process online makes it much more convenient. I'll definitely look into BooksRun for an efficient way to sell them. Decluttering while making some money sounds like a win-win. Thanks again for the recommendation and the well wishes for my move!

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